
I was walking home in the rain the other day, and I saw this sad looking tree lying in a patch of grass.  For some reason, I wanted it.  I just wanted to take it home with me.  I picked it up, balanced it on my shoulder and trekked home in the rain with the wet tree.

I put it out in the sun for a couple of days to dry it out.  Now it's in my room.  I have a fucking tree in my room.  Her name is Sylvia.


oldnil said...

you had me until you named it. i don't even name my instruments...too afraid that i'll meet someone of that name and won't want to touch the instrument again. Just wait until you meet a Sylvia who you can't stand. that tree'll be fucking firewood.

bonfire woOOOooOOO!

Anonymous said...

Installation art piece? Honestly when I just saw the flick without reading thats what I thought.